My Journal
News8 ways of dealing with anxiety without medication
There is nothing wrong with you If you suffer from anxiety, first I want you to know that you are not the only one, and there is nothing wrong with you. Judging yourself, critiquing yourself, putting yourself down, seeing yourself as a ‘case’ – they are the least...
You don’t need a holiday to find inner peace
The question I get asked the most almost every year around this time is: how can I hold on to that relaxed holiday feeling once I get back to work/school/my daily routine? The short answer is: you don't. Holidays are special. You create optimal circumstances: find a...
Looking for change in all the wrong places?
If you are dissatisfied with certain things in your life – you’re not being valued in your job, you have a painful relationship with your parents, your business isn’t taking off as you’d hoped, you’re having issues with your partner, your kid is throwing tantrums,...
Stop the blame game. Here’s why. And how
You don’t like to feel bad. It’s normal. It’s built into your system. Bad feelings automatically signal ‘danger’ to your brain, and it’ll prepare you for fight or flight. Question of survival. We’re primitive that way. Trouble is, when it kicks in, many of us are not...
Why you should stop self-improving
Since you are interested in the subjects I write about and teach, chances are you read self-help books, have maybe done the odd personal development workshop or course, and are generally wondering how you can improve your life, and yourself. How can you be a happier,...
The 3 magic tools you are probably neglecting
On my quest for wisdom (Who am I? Why am I here? What does this life mean or how can I make it mean something? How can I be free and live my purpose?), which I – consciously, anyway - started in my twenties, I set out the conventional way. I read loads of books,...
I don’t know what I want… but I sure know what I don’t want
Many women I talk to want change in their lives. And so many of them don’t know how to achieve it. Their life is not satisfactory somehow. Things feel slow, stuck, heavy, joyless, or simply too much. But when I ask them what exactly they want, they can’t tell me. They...
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"Presence is what heals; love is what heals; the relationship is what heals."
-Karin Bosveld