My Journal
NewsAre you on your agenda?
No? I know why not My clients come to me because they want change. They often don't know what needs to change, but they do know something does. How do they know? Usually they are tired. Just very tired. Sometimes life just feels like survival. And that is indeed...
Finding joy inside tears
A while ago, in my facebook group Awakening Wise Women, I ran a Joyfulness Challenge – possibly you joined in, or meant to ;-). Joy is the highway to your soul. If you’re not clear on your purpose, if it seems your life right now isn’t making sense, if you can’t seem...
All peopled out? Here’s your remedy
Extraverts thrive on interaction with others. It gives them energy. Introverts don't. It's not that they don't like people, it's just that interacting with them costs them energy and after a while their battery will be empty and they need to recharge. They do this by...
Your greatest gift is you biggest pitfall
Those of you who work with people (and ultimately: who doesn't) know how easily they can push your buttons. If you are explicitly in the people business (coach, therapist, healer, trainer, teacher etc.) you will have had some training on this aspect of your profession...
You are a lion, let’s hear you roar
What you should know, is that whatever I write for you, whatever I tell you, whatever I want to give to you, is what I need to hear, understand and receive myself. So this is about me just as much as about you. Maybe you think that other people have got their lives...
How can I help you if I can’t help myself?
There is a paradoxical thing going on with people in the people business. I’m talking about you: coaches, teachers, healers, therapists, social workers, lawyers… More often than not, you have chosen your profession because you feel you have something to offer to...
Tired of your job? It may not be the job
Do you have to drag yourself out of bed sometimes, when a new working day starts? Are you having secret fantasies about quitting, or early retirement? You feel tired, drained even after a working day, the work is never done, work relations cause anxiety. You doubt...
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"Presence is what heals; love is what heals; the relationship is what heals."
-Karin Bosveld