Inner wisdom doesn’t get sh*t done! Does it?
She’s a gorgeous woman in her early forties. Successful in her managerial job, with two cute kids and an equally ambitious, high-achieving husband. Busy lives. And now she’s almost broken her back. She can hardly move. It didn’t start like that, obviously. It started...
You don’t need a fortuneteller
The other day, someone asked me if I had predictive gifts. She was so eager to find new love, and really needed someone to tell her it would happen soon. I don’t have predictive gifts. That is, I often know things. Out of the blue. But I know better than to go around...
Wisdom is not what you think
I’m probably not telling you anything you did’t know when I say that wisdom is an important theme for me. I predicted that this would be so around my 27th, when I said to one of my teachers that I wanted to become a wise woman when I grew up. This teacher told me I...